the following lists the keys and descriptions for ikachan.json
type: number
description: the scale factor, with 1 being 100%. if unset, the scale factor automatically determined by the system scaling setting.
type: number
default value: 12
description: the font height.
type: number
default value: 100
description: the thumbnail height.
type: string
default value: "normal"
description: the thumbnail mode:
type: string
default value: "."
description: the path to save full size images.
type: string
default value: "."
description: the path to save thumbnail images.
type: string
default value: "."
description: the path to save metadata.
type: bool
default value: false
description: autoload the next page when scrolled to the bottom.
type: bool
default value: false
description: do not overwrite when saving images if the image already exists.
type: bool
default value: true
description: use slower, high quality scaler for viewing full size images instead of faster, low quality bilinear scaler.
type: string
description: save the image when the full size image is loaded:
type: string
description: the path to the truetype/opentype font for ui elements.
type: string
description: the path to the custom theme. a sample theme is included with ikachan.
type: string
default value: "yuuka"
description: the built-in theme to use: can be one of light, dark, yuuka
type: string
default value: "gelbooru"
description: the default booru to use: can be one of gelbooru, danbooru, safebooru, sankaku, konachan, yandere, tbib
type: array
description: set custom key bindings. the array contains objects with the following keys to values of string type:
the following is a sample config that binds f2 to set light theme, and ctrl + alt + c to clear thumbnail cache:
"key_bindings": [ {"action": "set_light_theme", "mod": "", "key": "F2"}, {"action": "clear_thumbnail_cache", "mod": "CTRL-ALT", "key": "C"} ]
type: bool
default value: false
description: enable smooth scrolling.
type: bool
default value: true
description: draw shadow under thumbnails.
type: bool
default value: false
description: save window position on exit to be used on next startup.
type: string
default value: "hybrid"
description: the metadata mode used for local searching. version 1.20230919 adds the ability to use an index file for faster searching, which is generated by the make_index action from ikachan-local.
type: string
description: the path to run the external viewer.
type: bool
default value: false
description: save search history which is loaded on next startup.
type: bool
default value: false
description: show the image bar on startup.
type: bool
default value: false
description: load last search on startup. save_history option must be enabled.
type: bool
default value: false
description: autoload the first image after searching.